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CORRPRINT RC rod coatings

CorrPrint™ RC coating for corrugated printing and rod coating

Rod Coating  PDF

CorrPrint™ RC Coatings


CorrPrint™ RC brand rod coatings deliver:

  • Exceptionally smooth coating lay
  • Excellent runability
  • Printable/glueable coat
  • Heat and scuff resistance

Featured Products

CorrPrint Colors: Available in standard Pantone® PMS, GCMI, or custom-matched colors tested using quantitative color measurement tools. Lightfast, pearlescent, and metallic coatings also are available.

CorrPrint Waxable White: The white coating maintains desired after-wax brightness and opacity while minimizing rod wear. Our customers enjoy increased uptime while running CorrPrint Waxable White.

CorrPrint Dense Black: Features exceptionally jet-black color and hot rub resistance. Available in flat, satin, and conductive configurations that can be adjusted to meet your specifications.

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